Fix Google Chrome : "Virus Scan Failed" Error

Google chrome is one of the fastest browser to surf the internet and to download stuffs online, sometime you get an error when you download any thing from web that is “Failed- Virus Scan Failed” this error occurs when google chrome becomes unable to check for the security certificate for any download from their publisher.
This happens due to virus or malware on your computer which may be any adware or browser virus or hijacker.

This is annoying when you download any antivirus to scan your computer but this is also unable to download.
Here is best solution for this problem-
Step 1. Press Windows button + R key at the same time

and you will get “Run” dialog box.

Step 2. Type “regedit” and hit ok. Now you will get registry editor window.

Step 3. Navigate to-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE >Microsoft >Windows >CurrentVersion >Policies >Attachments
by expanding the folder tree.

Step 4. Now double click on “ScanWithAntivirus” registry key and change its value to “1” which is by default “3“. Changing the key value to “1” actually tells the browser not to scan for the downloaded program or files.

Watch This Video Tutorial For More Explanation

After doing above steps you will be able to download from google chrome, if you have same issue on other browsers then download and install Hitman Pro for your computer and scan your computer, after scanning you will be able to download programs and files in all browsers.
Once you have done change the registry key value to its original value that is 3.

Another Method to Fix Virus Scan Failed Error.

If the above method is difficult to perform or you are unable to locate correct registry key, then here is simple method available, all you have to do is download this patch and run it.

Download this file and extract it, now open the file “Virus Scan Fix” and you will get warning message, Click on Yes.

Virus scan failed

After running this Registry patch you will get a success message and click on OK.

Failed virus scan registry fix

Thats All, you are done now your download will not give any error, to make sure your computer does not have any virus install Hitman Pro and Scan your computer once.


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