All Fixed Random Reboot And Freeze Problems (solution)

RAM: To find out if it’s specific to hardware, download Memtest86+ ISO Image and burn it to a disk. Then boot from the disk and run Memory Diagnostic for 8 to 9 passes. It’s must be allowed to run up to 8 or 9 passes, to find out if it’s RAM that is causing the problem. Even a single error means there is something wrong with either RAM or DIMM slot. So you have to run MemTest with individual slots with individual RAM. Check the Motherboard manual and see that the voltage and timings are set correctly in the BIOS. Also check and ensure that the RAM is compatible with the board.

Hard drive: Next we have to test the Hard Drive condition. Find out the manufacturer of your Hard Drive and go to manufactures website. Most of the manufactures will have their own diagnostic tools. So run a complete diagnostic and check the stability of the Hard Drive. If you find a lot of bad sectors or error immediately start backing up your data. Then run chkdsk to see if that corrects the problem. If not, then if it is covered by warranty, send for RMA.

BIOS: Sometimes changing the settings in BIOS, like Overclocking the RAM or processor and cause instability for the system. In such cases, reset the BIOS to default settings or reset it by removing CMOS for a minute and put it back. Make sure the BIOS firmware is up to date.

Power Supply: Sometimes you might have a great system with latest board, processor, GPU, RAM etc. but to handle those, your PSU may not be powerful enough. Make sure you get one that can handle your hardware. Also, PSU failure can cause the system to act weird – unfortunately there is no easy way to test it. But sometimes you can hear loud noises from SMPS that would help you figure out if it’s the PSU that’s causing the problem.

Graphic Card: Sometimes a GPU can cause system instability. Maybe overheating or incorrect clock settings are the main causes. In such cases, there are a lot of stress test software, which you could run to check the stability of your GPU like FurMark etc. Also, a bad driver can also cause problems, so it might be a good idea to reinstall the drivers. Also, when you Overclock your GPU – check the manual.

Fix a Windows 7 System That Randomly Freezes:
Of all the hassles that can plague a PC user (and, trust me, there are many), few are as infuriating as random lockups.
There you are, typing along, when suddenly everything just freezes. No error message, no bluescreen, just a locked-up, unresponsive system. I've been there. I feel your pain.
If you're a Windows 7 (or Windows Server 2008 R2) user, you may be in luck: Microsoft recently issued a hotfix for systems that stop responding randomly.
What causes the problem? Microsoft says it's "a deadlock condition between the Lsass.exe process, the Redirected Drive Buffering Subsystem (Rdbss.sys) driver, and the Winsock kernel." Well, duh! That was going to be my first guess.
The hotfix is available for both 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 7. (Fun fact: you'll often see these versions represented as "x86" and "x64," respectively.) To get it, click View and request hotfix downloads, accept Microsoft's terms, choose the hotfix compatible with your system, and then provide your e-mail address.
Click Request hotfix, then check your inbox for an e-mail containing a link to the download. (I'm not sure why Microsoft makes you jump through these hoops, but, then again, I'm not sure why Microsoft does half the things it does.)
If you've encountered this random-lockup problem, let me know if this hotfix fixes it!

Forum Discussions (Solution)

My computer freezes randomly, what can I do to fix this?

I tried to run check disk and it retuned no errors or bad sectors. I also run CCleaner and also no effect.
What else can I do to determine the problem and solve it?
OS: Windows 7
I installed different application for data recovery and uninstalled them. Also I uninstalled any application that I installed recently
EDIT: I need to do hard reset to get out of freeze state
EDIT1: In safe mode it doesn't freeze
EDIT2:(Solved) I disabled all the services and the programs that loads on startup accept for security & microsoft services. My computer worked all night without freezing!

I might have the answer to your problems.  This might fix your sleep/suspend problems and your random freezing problems.  Bottom line is that the default and "auto" values in Win 7 and your BIOS might not produce a stable computer...even with a virgin install.

My computer used to freeze randomly until I fixed the memory timings.  I suspected bad memory early on and tested it with MEMTEST, but it passed with flying colors.  I even tried swaping memory out, trying to eliminate bad memory and/or slots.  It turned out that it was a memory frequency/timings/voltage issue.  No more freezes!  If you have a similar setup, this will most likely fix it.  If not, then check your memory and/or power supply.

The "AUTO" settings in BIOS *may not* produce a stable setting.  You have to goto the ASUS support website and download the latest memory QVL and lookup the memory settings for your particular brand there.  For my memory (OCZX1333LV6GK(XMP)) I had to make the following adjustments in the BIOS:

DRAM Freq:1066  (even though my memory is rated at 1333 frequency, the QVL guide recommended a lower freq!)
7-7-7-16 for the rest of the timings.  The other settings I was able to leave in "AUTO"
DRAM BUS Voltage: 1.6
*warning: be sure to consult your memory/motherboard documentation...the wrong value could damage your components!


My computer used to hang when coming out of sleep or wouldn't completely goto sleep.  This solution may be partially dependent on you fixing a random freezing issue if you have one.  

In your "advanced" power settings, disable "Hybrid Sleep".  That's it!  My motherboard doesn't like hybrid sleep.

*If you have a desktop with a UPS, Win 7 will treat it like a laptop and apply the battery settings....sooo make sure you adjust the "on battery" settings!

My setup:

Processor:Intel core i7 920
Motherboard:Asus P6T
Memory: OCZX1333LV6GK(XMP)    (ie. 6GB in 3 sticks)
Harddrive:  3 x WD Caviar Black drives in RAID 5
PSU: X3 1000W
Video card: 2 x NVIDIA 9800 GTX+ SLI

Just restarting, no blue screen.

First I would reinstall everything and update the BIOS to the newest version. Other than that it sounds like a power supply issue. It's remotely possible that it's the GPU but those tend to blue screen. RMA the PSU and get a new one to see if that resolves your problem.

Youtube Video

6 Common Problems of PC Random Restarts

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